Online store? Make life easier with Vipps

Vipps - the word that should be placed in the dictionary and classified as a verb. This is the payment method that has revolutionized the way we exchange money, from buying coffee for friends, to quick and easy transfers and payments online. For online retailers, Vipps represents a golden opportunity to make the customer experience seamless and hassle-free. If your online store hasn't yet taken the plunge into the world of Vipps, now might be the time to consider it.

Vipps offers a world of possibilities

Vipps is not just an app; it's a portal to easier payments and a must-have for any online store that sees the value in making life a little easier for their customers. Integrating Vipps with BankAxept and BankID makes both payment and identification a breeze.

The modern market is a jungle of online stores, and not getting lost in the crowd requires more than just a pretty design. Credible and familiar payment solutions are key to customer trust - and this is where Vipps comes in as a strong player. Today's society is all about the user journey and how easy that journey is.

Online shop with Vipps - It couldn't be easier

At Websupporten, we specialize in implementing smart solutions like Vipps in online stores. We know that keeping up with the pace of digitalization is the key to success, and with Vipps, we ensure that your online store is ready for the future. An online store equipped with Vipps signals modernity and customer friendliness - something that is guaranteed to put you a notch above the competition.

Why Vipps?

Vipps offers a user-friendly and secure payment method that is already familiar to millions of Norwegians.

Minimizing the number of steps in the checkout process increases the likelihood of the customer completing the purchase, and who wouldn't want to increase the chances of conversions?

Trust is everything. By offering a payment solution like Vipps, you build trust with your customers. The popularity and reliability of Vipps reflects positively on your online store.

In addition, Vipps can boast very good figures:

  • Number of Vipps users: 4.1 million - 75% of Norway's entire population
  • Unique monthly Vipps logins: 3.5 million
  • Unique e-commerce users per month: 3.8 million

Join other smart businesses - make it easy with Vipps!

With Vipps, we give you the opportunity to be part of the success stories that you may not have heard about. Everything from increased conversion at inzpero, to easy customer registrations at Jernia and many more.

Our solutions with Vipps integrations are tailored to meet the needs of both large and small businesses that want a strong online presence.

Take the plunge with us

With Websupporten by your side and Vipps as your tool, you're well prepared to meet the challenges of tomorrow. It's time to make everyday life a little easier, both for you and your customers. Contact us today to get an online store that not only impresses, but also converts and grows.

Vipps - so easy, and with Websupporten, so safe.