Web support team grows with new sales manager

We have been looking for a long time for a sales manager who can represent our entire sales department. Both in the Scandinavian market, but also in Europe. We have several of our sales roots combined with extensive experience in various industries. Especially from previous positions in Stavanger, such as at Kvadrat and on Kvadrat's board. In addition, we have good experience from almost 8 years in the gaming industry, specifically GameStop. In many ways, this can be related to what we do today in terms of how we sell all the digital services we provide. It's about finding customers where they are, why they are there and where the next step will take them.

We have had very clear goals and visions for our new sales manager, who possesses all the points from our 5 values.

  1. We grow together
  2. We create successful customers
  3. Act with integrity
  4. Making a difference
  5. Make it better, always

These are the Company's 5 values, which should be part of everyone who works within the entire organization. No matter what position or role you have. They are values that mean everything to us and the success we create for our customers. It's very clear what we're after. It's to create the best outcome from our actions. Our first value is about growing with each other, and it's a method our new sales manager already knows well:

"WS is a company built by family. Caring about each other's growth is our top priority, we can't grow without each other. We can't help all of our customers or complete all of our projects without each other. Our foundation is built on growing together to create growth for others."

Our new sales manager

Thus, and with great pleasure, we can present our new Sales Manager Ruben Sivertsen, who takes on the position "Head of Sales Division, Scandinavia & WS Europe" and will bring all his experience and good merits further into Websupporten. Ruben has received a sales award for being one of GameStop's sales leaders of the year. He is a person who gives everything to make the best of every assignment he works on. That's exactly what we look for in a sales manager.

As Sales Manager in Websupporten, Ruben will have a good overview of a number of companies within the EU. Which in turn will be a big part of our new venture into the rest of the world. WS Scandinavia and WS Europe are thus our link to the major development we are currently undergoing. Our sales manager, Ruben, will represent the company to many companies around the world and we look forward to a long-term and successful relationship.

WS Interviews WS Europe

We were also lucky enough to interview Ruben about the position and what he sees for the future:

Read the interview here!

Interviewer: Hi Ruben, welcome to Websupporten as a sales manager! It's so exciting that we've got you on the team. So tell us, who is Ruben?

Ruben: I'm a simple guy, who wakes up every day thinking about how to make the day the best it can be, and how to be better than yesterday. I am driven by team success and playing each other well, we are never stronger than the weakest link. I'm a competitive person who loves to win, and 2nd place is never an option. I believe you have to want to be the best in order to be the best. And you have to work harder than the others to be the best. If you can do a task on a Monday, you don't wait until Tuesday.

Interviewer: How do you see your experience as a sales leader in the gaming industry and retail in general helping to take WS to the next level?

Ruben: With the experience I've built up in my working life in retail and management, I've learned what a salesperson's life is like. The customer always wants what's best for them, and the most important thing a salesperson can do is to listen. Find out what the customer needs, find the best option, and create a good relationship with the customer. I will take this with me into WS, the customer should be able to trust that I am there because I want to be, and for their sake. At the end of the day, I'm not happy if the customer isn't happy. I can help take WS to the next level in this way. And to maintain the good reputation and work commitment that is already there.

Interviewer: There are rumors that you'll be handling both the Scandinavian and European markets, which will be a big assignment and a lot of responsibility. What do you think about that?

Ruben: This is the opportunity I've been waiting for after many years in sales and management. I'm used to a lot of responsibility and I thrive on it, I know what's expected of me. I probably have higher demands on myself than anyone else. I think that will come in handy when we're going to make WS even bigger. I enjoy having the opportunity in a position like this, and I'm used to having to work harder than others in order to succeed, and I want to continue to do so here too.

Interviewer: With a base in Bergen, how will you work most effectively with the rest of the team to create the best possible results?

Ruben: When you get the opportunity to meet the team, talk to the team, it's about learning, absorbing the information they have, and going after the results they have and want. I think open dialog can be important, you shouldn't be afraid to share thoughts and ideas. You have to want to learn from the best, to know how they work. Communication is the most important tool you have in a company, and it's the key to success.

Interviewer: If you could choose 3 things that will be important on the road to sales success in such a large market, what are those 3 things?

Ruben: 1. the team - Work well with the team, learn from them, help them towards the goals, and make sure the goals are met.
2. Will - The will to want to succeed. The will to want to work harder, more purposefully to achieve success in WS.
3. Instinct - Trusting my instinct. Both sales instinct and winning instinct, so I know how good I can be.

Interviewer: Thank you for your time and all the best for the future in Websupporten!

With that, we say "welcome to the Ruben family!"

If you want to get to know Ruben better, you can visit his LinkedIn profile HERE.

Are you interested in hearing what we have to offer and how our services can help you and your business move forward? Contact Ruben directly HERE, or submit a form to us .


WS Team