Kikora - Leading digital learning tool in mathematics



Operations, Websites, Consulting, SEO, Development



Kikora is a leading digital teaching tool in mathematics. They have been a supplier of digital mathematics to schools in Norway for almost 15 years. Today, almost half of Norway's schools use Kikora. Kikora is all about using technology to highlight good pedagogy. They want to be more than just power on a screen. Kikora's unique math engine gives students continuous feedback and teachers the opportunity to follow the entire calculation process, not just the final answer. Kikora is currently available in Norway and Sweden, as well as in Germany and France. and all pages are operated by

About the project

Kikora was looking for a company that could offer a full-service operation, new development, various optimization and good availability. Our task quickly became quite large and involved all 6 pages under the Kikora name.

What's important for us when it comes to such tasks that encompass a large area is to create flexibility for the customer, making everyday life easier. Our job is to provide seamless operational functions so that Kikora's marketing department can focus on what they do best.

We are delighted that Kikora Norway and Kikora Sweden have chosen us as their full-service provider of all things digital online.