Responsive websites

Responsive websites at

What are responsive websites?

Before we get into the explanation of responsive websites, I'll just mention that... Yes - it's definitely something everyone needs to think about, talk to your web designer before you make any agreements. The compromise should include the definition of what you get delivered, and that is responsiveness on different devices.

It is a method that adapts all content to the user of the page. If the visitor has a mobile phone, the mobile phone should display the content just as well as on a tablet or PC. It is very often the case that websites do not work optimally when visitors are on devices other than a computer. This can cause you to lose customers, which is something everyone wants to avoid.

In addition to losing customers after a bad experience from visiting the website on mobile. Google, for example, can downgrade the page, and then you will definitely lose traffic. Read more about loading speed at the link at the bottom of the article.

No one likes to experience difficult navigation on a website. So when you start planning your site, think about responsive challenges before you take the plan forward.

Create a great first impression!

When I meet you and you meet me, the human brain registers how we are dressed. The color of our hair, the hat we wear, shoes, makeup and you name it... Our brain is trained to form an image. That's why it's recommended to dress nicely and look nice and presentable when going to a job interview. I'm not going to go off the rails here, but it's exactly the same with your website.

If you click around the vast web and come to an unresponsive page. Chances are you'll just click through. If you get someone in an interview who doesn't look polished and can't speak for themselves. Well, then you're likely to "click" away again. Your website is the face of your company and it starts from the first page. How does the site work, does it look good, is it pixel-perfect and does it perform according to expectations? Responsive websites give your company a presentation that makes it look like you're being taken seriously. Which is something every company should have as an objective, it goes without saying.

This is a topic that is fortunately becoming widespread and I personally get quite a few questions about responsiveness. How to set up responsive websites that are built to be fast and user-friendly throughout. When we start the process on new projects, we first look at what our customers need. What features need to be included, appearance and design. Then how we can put it all together to perform as well as possible on both PC and mobile.

Responsive websites are the future

It's not just the future, it's the present. In my work, I've had several projects at hand that involve redesign. How many websites are there today? Well, according to Netcraft's September 2020 update, there are over 1,196,298,727 websites in the world. Do you know how many websites existed 10 years ago? 273,301,445 pages! Almost a billion difference! It also means that anyone who hasn't prepared for the large production of mobile and tablet devices that have arrived isn't ready to showcase responsive websites on those devices either.

It is therefore a great advantage to set a good example and not least a driving force to fulfill all the expectations and requirements that customers have today. It's safe to say that responsive websites are the future - the web is the future when you look at how everything is evolving. Especially after corona, you can see an incredible increase and everyone who works in ICT services is getting more requests.

At Websupporten, we offer responsive websites for both small and large businesses. In addition, we have hosting plans for everyone.

Create your future today, be responsive!

Link to article about loading speed and why it's so important.

Link to Google's speed measurement.

Link to Norwegian Wikipedia on Responsive Websites.

Link to English Wikipedia on Responsive Websites.