We offer support when you need it.
With us, you'll find web support for most things and within virtually all platforms. We have probably one of the largest selections of digital services in Norway, with a team that has the skills to provide good service through web support to create solutions to problems.
We work with web support to make life easier for others. That's why we offer PC support, a service available to businesses. If you have problems with your PC, Outlook, programs that lock up and more, Websupporten is there for you. In addition to this, we have various agreements for follow-up and service on company premises.
We are specialists in this area and can help with most things. WordPress is an open source platform, so there can be a lot of problems if you don't know what you're doing. The first thing we always recommend is to set up an Operating Agreement so you can spend your time doing what you do best, and we'll do the same. You'll get the most out of letting someone else run, develop and maintain your website or online store. Our hosting agreements come with both fixed prices and customized prices according to your needs.
Have you encountered a problem that you can't solve? Having trouble with Shopify, Wix, Squarespace or on another platform? No worries! Web support takes problems and turns them into solutions. Get in touch with us to find out how we can help you as soon as possible.
That's right, we also provide IT Support locally. Currently, this service is only offered to businesses in Stavanger, and with special agreements for the Oslo area. We have experienced many different local assignments, involving PC support for restaurants and local organizations and businesses, installation and delivery of printers (We know, we can get most things too - Sky's the limit we use to say) and whatever we are asked for.
In our industry, it's perhaps not surprising that you might encounter server problems or perhaps want different servers set up with special solutions, or websites of course. Sometimes you may need to upload or retrieve data from a server via FTP and other means - in which case Websupporten is there to help out in any way we can. We offer a wide range of server services with Linux or Windows, operated by technicians with over 20 years' experience, so you're in safe hands. We use lightning-fast SAS disks with virtually unlimited storage capacity. The platform is built to handle any traffic load, with an auto-scaling on website visits and storage. If you're looking for a secure server space, you've come to the right place!
Sure, it doesn't end here. Did we mention we offer a lot of digital services? Remote PC and Mobile management is a solution we provide through TeamViewer. We can log in to your PC or Mobile to help wherever you are. Our team can connect to your computer and remotely control it to figure out a problem together with you. This could be setting up email, settings on your PC, installing new programs or switching to other web-related things. If your computer has been difficult lately and things aren't working, we can help you figure it out. When it comes to website platforms, we also have remote control where we can easily show instructions on how to do different parts. This goes under training hours.
We're here to listen and collaborate! Contact us today and let's create something extraordinary together. Our dedicated team is ready to handle your inquiries and find tailor-made solutions to suit your needs.
Contact us on +47 94 09 34 09 or send an email to kontakt@websupporten.no